Tim Mercer was born and raised in Colorado. He came out to California after graduating from high school. Tim and Marsha, his wife of 50 years, met while in college at Long Beach University, where they earned degrees in applied design and art education, respectively.
He was drafted into the Army right after graduating college and served in Viet Nam as an infantry soldier.
Marsha had been raised in a Christian home and has been a life-long Christian. Tim came from a nominal Methodist background but came to know the Lord in 1973. In the years after their marriage, they served in various counseling and leadership capacities in three churches.
Tim, Marsha and their three children, Tressa, Tyson and Amy came to Hope Chapel in 1986. Two years later their fourth child, Tessera, was born. The Mercers have lived in Long Beach for the past 39 years. During their time at Hope Chapel, the Mercers were involved in leading the Long Beach homeless outreach, served as MiniChurch hosts, shepherds, senior shepherds and taught classes for the marriage ministry. Tim also taught classes in hermeneutics and philosophy, served on the church council and was an Elder.
The Mercer’s children are grown now and are all dedicated Christians. They are all active in missionary work, particularly in India and Africa. Their oldest daughter, Tressa and her husband, Chad Reddy, have blessed them with two grandchildren, Skyler and Alanna. Their son, Tyson and his wife Jaime have two daughters, Juniper and Eve and a son, Joaquin. Amy and her husband Chris Huante have two sons, Spencer and Clayton and one daughter, Madalynn. Tessie and her husband Pastor Kenny Kauffman a daughter, Calliope and three sons, Judah, Theodore and Otto.
Tim has been interested for many years now in the study of theology and philosophy, and is grateful for the support and encouragement of Pastors Zac Nazarian, Kevin Bryan and the other pastors and faithful brothers at Hope as well as his son Tyson who holds a degree in philosophy.
He enjoys spending time with Marsha, his four children and his twelve grandchildren.