The Cost of Boldness (Acts 5:17-42) Acts, Acts1Geoff AlfassaOctober 19, 2014kevinbryan, youwillbemywitnessesComment
Follow the Signs (Acts 5:12-16) Acts, Acts1Geoff AlfassaOctober 12, 2014youwillbemywitnesses, kevinbryan Comment
Greatness in the Church (Acts 4:32-5:11) Acts, Acts1Geoff AlfassaOctober 5, 2014jefflewis, youwillbemywitnessesComment
Boldness in the Name (Acts 4:13-22) Acts, Acts1Geoff AlfassaSeptember 21, 2014kevinbryan, youwillbemywitnessesComment
No Other Name (Acts 4:1-12) Acts, Acts1Geoff AlfassaSeptember 14, 2014kevinbryan, youwillbemywitnessesComment
He Stood, He Shared, They Were Saved (Acts 2:14-41) Acts, Acts1Geoff AlfassaJune 29, 2014Kenny Kauffman, youwillbemywitnessesComment
Rushing Wind, Tongues of Fire (Acts 2:1-21) Acts, Acts1Geoff AlfassaJune 22, 2014kevinbryan, youwillbemywitnessesComment
God's Plan Continues (Acts 1:12-26) Acts, Acts1Geoff AlfassaJune 15, 2014jefflewis, youwillbemywitnessesComment
You Will Be My Witnesses (Acts 1:6-11) Acts, Acts1Geoff AlfassaJune 8, 2014kevinbryan, youwillbemywitnessesComment
Power to Proclaim (Acts 1:1-5) Acts, Acts1Geoff AlfassaJune 1, 2014jefflewis, youwillbemywitnessesComment