Sharefest: The Joy it is to Work
Rachael Cortez digging trenches for the brand new sprinkler system. Photo by Taylor Lewis
"Man goes out to his work and to his labor until the evening." Psalm 104:23
We started in the morning, we ended in the evening, and we had a blast all day long! This past Saturday, May 3rd, was the very first year that Redeemed South Bay took part in Sharefest's "Workday". Sharefest is an organization that "develops comprehensive programs and services that strengthen communities and meet the needs in the lives of children and families" and Sharefest's Workday "is an annual community-building and service day that mobilizes thousands of volunteers of all ages to work on community projects designed to meet tangible needs."
This year our church adopted South Bay Children's Health Center in Redondo Beach as our Workday project. The Health Center needed a sprinkler system and a new paint job, so that is exactly what we provided. We started at 8am and ended around 5pm with about 40 volunteers; it was a long day, it was a warm day, and it was an absolute blessing. It was so good to drive a few blocks away to help our neighbors and to see the appreciation of our labor on the faces of the ladies who worked there. Although helping our neighbor was a great joy, there was something more delightful that occurred on that day.
For me, and others, working together with my brothers and sisters from our new church was nearly priceless. What a treat it was to see different people, from different places, with different gifts work toward one common goal. I saw older men teaching younger men, I saw women serving wholeheartedly, I saw children with smiles on their faces, and I saw the body being the body, serving one another and the community at the same time. It is days like Saturday that make me overwhelmingly glad that I am in the family of God and absolutely humbled to be part of His work. I am encouraged and determined that we will be a church that continues to let our light shine before others, so that they may see our good works and give glory to our Father in heaven. I truly look forward to many more days of joyfully working side by side with the family that is Redeemed! To Him be the glory and honor forever and ever.