Why should I study the book of Malachi?

Because we are prone to wander from the Lord. We are a people prone to take his grace for granted, and prone to feel entitled to his covenant love. And in doing so we begin to doubt God’s love for us, and question whether he really cares about what we are going through. We can begin to think that there will be no difference between the righteous and the unrighteous.

Malachi’s message is a bold call to return to the Lord because God is there, He loves his people, He cares for them, and makes a distinction between the righteous and the unrighteous which will be revealed now and especially in the future in the Day of the LORD. Study Malachi and you will walk away with a greater understanding of the faithfulness of God which will cause you to humble yourself before him, give him the glory due his name, and encouraged you to make his name great among the nations!

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