There is None Righteous Apart from Christ (Romans 3:9-20)
Sermon Notes
Proposition: In Romans 3:9-20, Paul concludes his exposition on the doctrine of sin by stating that both Jews and Gentiles are not righteous, so that the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ might be proclaimed to both Jew and Gentile alike in Romans 3:21-5:21.
- The condition of Man under sin (vv. 9-18)
a. The Charge: Both Jews and Greeks are under sin (v. 9)
b. The Evidence: OT Scriptures on Sin (vv. 10-18)
i. The Universality of Sin (vv. 10-12)
ii. The Manifestation of Sin (vv. 13-17)
1) Sin revealed in speech (vv. 13-14)
2) Sin revealed in seed (vv. 15-17)
iii. The Primary Root of Sin (v. 18) - The condition of Jews under the Law (vv. 19-20)
a. The Law specifies and speaks to the Jews (v. 19a)
b. The Law silences all (v. 19b)
c. The Law holds all accountable (v. 19c)
d. The Law justifies none (v. 20a)
e. The Law exposes sin (v. 20b)