Y'all are the Body of Christ! (1 Cor 12:12-27)

Sermon Notes:


Main Idea: In 1 Corinthians 12:12–27 there are at least 8 traits of Christ’s body (i.e., the church) to firmly grasp so that this local body (i.e., RSB) might increasingly reflect the truth of God’s Gospel for His glory, for our good, and for the well-being of those under our influence.

  1. The Body’s Composition (v. 12)

  2. The Body’s Unity: One Body (v. 13)

  3. The Body’s Diversity: Many Members (v. 14)

  4. The Body’s Dysfunction/Disunity? (vv. 15–20)

    a. A Threat (vv. 15–17)

    b. The Remedy (vv. 18–20)

  5. The Body’s Function (vv. 21–24)

    a. Negative (v. 21)

    b. Positive (vv. 22–24)

  6. The Body’s Purpose (v. 25)

    a. Negative (v. 25a)

    b. Positive (v. 25b)

  7. The Body’s Mutuality (v. 26)

  8. The Body’s “Is-ness” (v. 27)