Pondering the Significance Of Palm Sunday (Mark 11:1-25)
Sermon Notes:
Main idea: Mark 11:1-25 raises for us the two most important questions of our lives so that we might be God’s people of prayer who praise and proclaim Jesus as the coming King.
Who do you think Jesus is?
a. The Old Testament promised the Messiah
b. The Gospel presents Jesus as that Messiah (Mark chs 1-10, 11:1-7)
c. The Disciples proclaimed Jesus as that Messiah. (vv. 8-10)
d. The leaders of Israel opposed Jesus as that Messiah (v. 18)
Who does Jesus think you are?
a. Jesus examines the temple (vv. 11, 15-19)
b. Jesus examines the tree (vv. 12-14, 20-21)
c. Jesus examines you, and examines me (vv.22-25)