Why study what the scriptures say about family?


Because we live in a world where God’s good created structure for the family is being ignored, undermined, or outright rejected. Family is a gracious gift from God, and the structure of Husband and Wife, and Father and Mother and children, with their attendant privileges and responsibilities are all good and for our good. The privileges of family are to be enjoyed. The responsibilities of the family are to be stewarded faithfully. God’s plan is to bless all the families of the earth in Christ (Gen 12:3), and so we who are in Christ should preach Christ and live a servant life like Christ for the blessing and strengthening of our physical families, our spiritual family, and all the families of the earth!

As you listen to these sermons, we pray that the LORD would help you to enjoy the privileges of your physical and spiritual family and to also steward faithfully the responsibilities of your physical and spiritual family.

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