loft audio
God has blessed Redeemed with pastors and young men who are able to teach the Bible, and it’s our joy to serve our students by laboring to exposit the word of God to them, that they would be taught, reproved, corrected, trained in righteousness, and equipped for every good work! (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
MONDAY NIGHT SERMONS (under construction)
Every Monday night either Pastor Geoff or one of the young men able to teach will exposit the word. We usually walk through a book of the Bible passage by passage, though sometimes we will cover broad topics.
Various texts “Overview of the Old Testament” - ‘18-’20
Matthew “The King Has Come” - ‘20-’23
1 Thessalonians “Model Faithfulness” - ‘23-’24
2 Thessalonians “Concerning the Coming of Our Lord” - Current series
James “Living Faith” - ‘24
Once a year, at our LOFT retreat, we take a long weekend to spend focused time in one book, passage, ot topic. Both the pastors of Redeemed South Bay and some of the young men who are able to teach have taught at our retreat.
Philippians 2:1-11 “Low and Last: The Call to Christlike Humility” - 2024
Hebrews 12 “Run with Endurance” - 2023
John 17 “How Our Priest Prays for Us” - 2022
Jude “Contend: How the Kept Keep the Faith” - 2020
Habakkuk “Higher Ways: Trusting God in Perplexity” - 2019
Various Texts “Treasuring the Triune God” - 2018
Once a year we hold an apologetics conference for the youth and young adults from both Redeemed South Bay and other local churches in our area. Lectures are given by both pastors and lay men from Redeemed and other local churches.
Come Let Us Reason: The Irrationality of Unbelief and the Rationality of Faith - 2024
Lift Him Up: Proclaiming the Divinity of Jesus - 2023