Posts tagged Kenny Kauffman
Low and Last: The Call to Christlike Humility- Session 4: Exalted Via Humility (Philippians 2:9-11)
Michael JBloftretreat, loft, Low and Last, LOFT, LOFT Retreat, LOFT retreat, lowandlast, Philippians, philippians2, Philippians 2, Humility, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffman
Contend: How the Kept Keep the Faith - Session 3: What to do with False teachers, Their Satanic Teaching, and Those Affected by Them (Jude 17-23)
Michael JBKenny Kauffman, kennykauffman, Jude, loftretreat, LOFT retreat, loft, LOFT, LOFT Retreat, Contend, howthekeptkeepthefaith, How the Kept Keep the Faith
Higher Ways: Trusting God in Perplexity - Session 4: Responding to the Judgement of YHWH (Habakkuk 3)
Michael JBKenny Kauffman, kennykauffman, loftretreat, LOFT retreat, loft, LOFT, LOFT Retreat, higherways, Higher Ways, Habakkuk
LIFT HIM UP Apologetics Conference - Session 3: Jesus Shares the Honors Due to God