Low and Last: The Call to Christlike Humility - Session 2: A Firm Foundation for the Low and Last (Philippians 2:1-4)
Michael JBloftretreat, loft, Low and Last, LOFT, LOFT Retreat, LOFT retreat, lowandlast, Philippians, philbatty, Phil Batty, philippians2, Philippians 2, Humility
How Our Priest Prays for Us - Session 3: John 17:9-19
Michael JBloftretreat, loft, LOFT, LOFT Retreat, LOFT retreat, philbatty, Phil Batty, highpriestlyprayer, High Priestly Prayer, John, John 17, john17
Run with Endurance - Session 3: Running with Scraped Knees (Hebrews 12:12-17)
Michael JBHebrews, runwithendurance, Run with Endurance, philbatty, Phil Batty, loft, LOFT, loftretreat, LOFT retreat, LOFT Retreat
Higher Ways: Trusting God in Perplexity - Session 1: Clinging to the Almighty (Habakkuk 1:1-12)
Michael JBPhil Batty, philbatty, Higher Ways, higherways, Trusting God in Perplexity, trustinggodinperplexity, loftretreat, LOFT retreat, loft, LOFT, LOFT Retreat, Habakkuk