Our Forever King-Priest: Jesus the Messiah (Psalm 110)
Sermon Notes
What did David teach about the Messiah in Psalm 110?
The Messiah will be both David’s Son and David’s Lord (v. 1)
The Messiah will be exalted to reign as King in Heaven (vv. 1-2)
The exalted Messiah will certainly be appointed the Forever King-Priest (v. 4)
The exalted Messiah will return to victoriously enforce his reign as King on Earth (vv. 2-7)
i. The Power of His Reign (v. 2)
ii. The Location of His Reign (v. 2)
iii. The Extent of His Reign (v. 2, 6)
iv. The Subjects of His Reign (vv.2-3, 5-6)
v. The Outcome of His Reign (v. 7)
What did the Apostles see and hear that convinced them that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah that David spoke of in Psalm 110?
Jesus is both ___at______________________________
(Matt 1:1, Lk 3, Mt 22:41-46, Rom 1:1-5)Jesus was ____________________________________
(Matt 20:17-19, Jn 14:6, 16:28, Acts 1:10-11, 7:55-56, Acts 9, Phil 2:9-11, Eph 1:20, 1 Pet 3:21-22)Exalted Jesus was _____________________________
(Matt. 1:21, 20:17-19, Heb 2:3-4, 5:1, 9:7, 10:1-4, 7:26-28, 8:1-2, 9:12, 14, 24, 28, 10:11-13, Rom 8:34)Exalted Jesus will _____________________________
i. The Power of His Reign (Rev 5, 6:15-17)
ii. The Location of His Reign (Rev 20:9)
iii. The Extent of His Reign (Matt 25:31, Rev 11:15)
iv. The Subjects of His Reign (Rev 19:11-21)
v. The Outcome of His Reign (Rev 19:11-21, 20:7-10)
What should we do in light of this?