The Real Clear Good the Christian is Called to Do (Romans 12:9-13)

Sermon Notes

  1. What is the real clear good that you, a Christian, are called to do?

    • You are called to love genuinely (v. 9)

    • You are called to love your brothers and sisters in Christ tenderly. (v. 10a)

    • You are called to show honor to one another eagerly. (v. 10b)

    • You are called to be ever burning with Holy Spirit zeal to serve the LORD. (v. 11)

    • You are called to be delighting in hope. (v. 12a)

    • You are called to be enduring in tribulation. (v. 12b)

    • You are called to be persisting in prayer. (v. 12c)

    • You are called to partner in meeting the needs of the saints. (v. 13)

  2. How is it that you, a Christian, can do the real clear good you are called to do?

    • You have seen it.

    • You have experienced it.

    • You have been empowered to do it.

  3. How is it that you, a non-believer, can become a Christian and do the real clear good you are called to do?

    • You must see it.

    • You must experience it.

    • You’ll have been empowered to do it.