Jesus Knows: You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-8)
Sermon Notes
In John 3:1-8, we see three enlightening truths that Jesus knows about people that most people don’t know about themselves so that we will believe Jesus and live truly humble, forever thankful, God-glorifying lives.
Jesus knows our spiritual condition
a. Spiritual ignorance (3:1-2)
b. Spiritual impairment (3:3-4)
c. Spiritual impurity (3:5 cf. Ez. 36:25, 33)
d. Spiritual inability (3:5-6a)
Jesus knows our spiritual cure
a. Spiritual understanding (Ez. 36:26a, Deut. 29:4)
b. Spiritual vision (3:3, Jn1:14, Jn. 9:39, Jn. 12:44-46)
c. Spiritual cleansing (3:5a, Ez. 36:25, 33).
d. Spiritual enablement (3:3, Ez. 36:27)
Jesus knows it’s the Spirit’s choice
a. The Passives (3:3, 3:5)
b. Birth (3:3, 3:5, 3:6)
c. Wind (3:8)