The Greatest Gift God Ever Gave the World - God the Son Incarnate: The Hypostatic Union

Sermon Notes

Main idea: The greatest gift God ever gave the world is Jesus, God the Son Incarnate, because in the gift of His Son God meets our greatest needs and satisfies our deepest desires.

  1. Who is the incarnate Son of God?
    a. He is one person.
    b. He is the second person of the triune God.

  2. What is the incarnate Son of God?
    a. He is totally God.
    i. Spirit
    1. Faculties of knowledge, will, etc
    b. He is totally Man.
    i. Human Spirit
    1. Faculties of knowledge, will, emotions, etc
    ii. Human Body
    iii. Yet without sin

  3. How can you have an Incarnate Son of God?
    a. Distinction between person and nature
    i. What is a person?
    ii. What is a nature?
    b. Union of two natures in one person
    i. One person acting through two natures
    ii. Each nature retains its distinctive properties
    c. It is unexplainable yet undeniable
    i. Luke 1:30-38
    ii. Matthew 4:1-9
    iii. John 11:35
    iv. Matt 26:39-42

  4. When did the Son of God become incarnate?

  5. Where did the Son of God become incarnate?

  6. Why did the Son of God become incarnate?
    a. To rescue us
    b. To redeem us
    c. To reconcile us
    d. To restore us