Like Father Like Son (John 5:16-29)
Sermon Notes
Main Idea: In John 5:16-29, we see four captivating claims that support the Son’s equality with God the Father so that we will honor the Son just as we honor the Father.
The Son works in perfect union with God the Father (v.17, 19-22, 26)
a. Union of will (v.19)
b. Union of love (v. 20)
c. Union of giving (v. 22, 26)The Son possesses the same power as God the Father (v. 19, 21, 22)
a. Power to give life (v. 19, 21, 26)
b. Power to execute judgment (v. 19, 22, 27)The Son deserves the same honor as God the Father (vv. 22-23)
a. He is the Judge (v. 22a)
b. He is the one Sent from the Father (v.22b)
c. He is the Son of Man (v. 27)The Son exercises the same power as God the Father (vv. 25-29)
a. Power to give life
i. Present giving of life (v. 21, 24, 25)
ii. Future giving of life (vv. 28-29)
b. Power to execute Judgment
i. Present Judgment (v. 24)
ii. Future Judgment (vv. 28-29)