Finding the Favor of a Faithful God (Genesis 26)
Sermon Notes:
Main idea: As we follow God, the fears we face are opportunities to see his faithfulness, find his favor, and obey his voice.
Fear #1: Death by Famine (26:1-6)
a. God’s faithfulness (2)
b. God’s favor (3-5)
c. Isaac’s obedience (6)
Fear #2: Death by Philistines (26:6-11)
a. Isaac’s disobedience (7)
b. God’s faithfulness and favor (8-11)
i. Through Abimelech’s patience (8-10)
ii. Through Abimelech’s protection (11)
Fear #3: Discord with the Philistines (26:12-33)
a. Envy in Gerar (12-16)
i. Isaac’s success (12-14)
ii. Philistines’ sabotage (15)
iii. Abimelech’s request (16)
b. Strife in the Valley of Gerar (17-22)
i. Esek, Sitnah, and Rehoboth (20-22)
c. But Peace in Beersheba (23-35)
i. God’s favor (24)
ii. Isaac’s obedience (25)
iii. Abimelech’s treaty (26-31)
iv. Water found again (32-33)
Fear #4: Discord with the family (26:34-35)