Jacob's Ladder, A Stairway from Heaven (Genesis 28) Michael KovalFebruary 9, 2025Genesis, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
A Bride for Isaac: The Lord's Providence in Fulfilling His Covenant (Gen 24:1-67) Michael KovalJanuary 5, 2025Genesis, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
The Virgin Birth, The Fathers Promise Fulfilled (Matthew 1:18-25) Michael KovalDecember 8, 2024Christmas2024, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
No Laughing Matter: God’s Greatness and Goodness (Genesis 18) Michael KovalOctober 13, 2024Genesis, jefflewis, Jeff LewisComment
The Calling of Abram and the Faithfulness of God (Genesis 11:27 – 12:20) Michael KovalSeptember 1, 2024Genesis, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
Taste and See that the Lord is Good (Psalm 34) Joshua OhJuly 2, 2023Jeff Lewis, jefflewis, Summerofpsalms2023Comment
Biblical Truth in A Fallen World (Psalm 53) Joshua OhJune 11, 2023Summerofpsalms2023, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
The Mystery of Marriage (Ephesians 5:31-33) Michael KovalMay 7, 2023Ephesians, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
Good Friday Service (Matthew 27:45-51a) Joshua OhApril 7, 2023Jeff Lewis, jefflewis, Good Friday, Passion Week 2023Comment
What to Do, What Not to Do, and Why (Ephesians 5:1-7) Michael KovalMarch 12, 2023Ephesians, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
Stop Living Like the Lost (Ephesians 4:17-19) Michael KovalFebruary 19, 2023Ephesians, jefflewis, Jeff LewisComment
The Manifold Wisdom of God Displayed (Ephesians 3:8-13) Michael KovalJanuary 8, 2023Ephesians, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
The Son of Man Came to Serve and Save (Mark 10:45) Michael KovalDecember 4, 2022Christmas2022, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
The Spiritual Blessing of the Sealing of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14) Joshua OhOctober 2, 2022Jeff Lewis, jefflewis, EphesiansComment
The Spiritual Blessing of Divine Election (Ephesians 1:3-6) Michael KovalSeptember 11, 2022Jeff Lewis, jefflewis, EphesiansComment
Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So (Psalm 107) Joshua OhAugust 7, 2022Summerofpsalms2022, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
Three Gospel Truths from the Third Appearance of Jesus (John 21:1-14) Joshua OhJuly 10, 2022Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
The Crucifixion of the King: For His Glory and Our Good (John 19:17-27) Michael KovalJune 12, 2022Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment