Commands for Christian Influence (Colossians 4:2-6) Michael KovalJanuary 13, 2025Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
Y'all are the Body of Christ! (1 Cor 12:12-27) Michael KovalDecember 29, 2024Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
Christmas Past: The Father's Promise, Plan, and Purpose to Send the Son (Advent 2024 Part 1) Michael KovalDecember 1, 2024Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffman, Christmas2024Comment
No Laughing Matter: God’s Power & Promises (Genesis 17) Michael KovalOctober 6, 2024Genesis, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
Great is Thy Faithfulness (Genesis 13) Michael KovalSeptember 8, 2024Genesis, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
Shepherd the Flock of God (1 Peter 5:1-5) Michael KovalAugust 11, 2024Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffman, church, TheChurchComment
Longing for God All Day Long (Psalm 63) Michael KovalJuly 21, 2024SummerofPsalms2024, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
The Apparent Prosperity of the Wicked (Psalm 37) Michael KovalJuly 7, 2024SummerofPsalms2024, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
God’s Grace through the Generations of Mankind (Genesis 11:10-26) Michael KovalJune 2, 2024Genesis, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
A New Beginning? (Genesis 9:18-29) Michael KovalMay 12, 2024Genesis, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
Participating with God Toward Holiness (2 Peter 1:1-11) Michael KovalApril 21, 2024Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
The Resurrection Life: Obedience (Acts 5:29-32) Michael KovalMarch 31, 2024Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffman, Easter2024Comment
Favor’s Fortune in the Flood (Genesis 6:9-22) Michael KovalMarch 17, 2024Genesis, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
A Divided Race: The Godless & The Godly (Genesis 4:17-26) Michael KovalFebruary 18, 2024Genesis, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
God’s Grace Amidst Sin (Genesis 3:15-21) Michael KovalJanuary 21, 2024Genesis, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
Striving in Sanctification Michael KovalDecember 31, 2023NewYear2023, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
Hope for the Nations (Genesis 12:1-3) Michael KovalDecember 10, 2023Christmas2023, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
God’s Precious Gift of Marriage (Genesis 2:18-25) Michael KovalNovember 19, 2023Genesis, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment
An Exposition of the Book of Job (Job 1-42) Michael KovalNovember 12, 2023Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffman, Book of JobComment
The Culmination of Creation (Genesis 1:24-31) Michael KovalOctober 15, 2023Genesis, Kenny Kauffman, kennykauffmanComment