Squandering the Promises of God (Judges 1-2:5)

Introduction: Taking the Land of Canaan

1.  What God Commanded

a.  Total Destruction to Those in the Land

b.  Peaceable Forced Labor to Those Outside the Land

2.  Why God Commanded It

a.  To Demonstrate His Justice

b.  To Demonstrate His Love

c.  To Demonstrate His Grace

Main idea of Judges 1:1-2:5:  The people of God squander the promises of God when they fail to keep the precepts of God.

1.  When Obedience is Slacking, Blessing will be Lacking (vv.1:1-20)

2.  When Disobedience Thrives, Discipline will Soon Arrive (vv.1:21-25)

3.  Areas of Self-Examination:

a.  Are you driving out personal sin?

b.  Are you driving out corporate sin?

c.  Are you destroying strongholds?