A Flawed Hero (Judges 10:6-12:7) JudgesGeoff AlfassaNovember 9, 2016jefflewis, judges, Judges 10Comment
Who is Your King? (Judges 8:22-10:5) JudgesGeoff AlfassaNovember 2, 2016judges, Kenny KauffmanComment
God Calls the Weak for the Wretched (Judges 6:1-8:28) JudgesGeoff AlfassaOctober 26, 2016kevinbryan, judgesComment
The Stories of Ehud and Shamgar (Judges 3:12-31) JudgesGeoff AlfassaOctober 12, 2016Tim Mercer, judgesComment
Idolatry Crumbled, Idolaters Humbled (Judges 3:7-11) JudgesGeoff AlfassaOctober 5, 2016judges, Kenny KauffmanComment
Faithful God, Forgetful People (Judges 2:6-3:6) JudgesGeoff AlfassaSeptember 28, 2016kevinbryan, judgesComment
Squandering the Promises of God (Judges 1-2:5) JudgesPenny RossSeptember 21, 2016judges, Geoff AlfassaComment