In, But Not Of, But Sent Into (John 17:9-19) Joshua OhMay 1, 2022Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
Christ’s Death for the Glory of God (John 13:31-38) Michael KovalFebruary 20, 2022Jeff Lewis, jefflewis, Gospel of JohnComment
Having the Right Motivation, Understanding and Response to Jesus the King (John 12: 12-19) Michael KovalJanuary 9, 2022Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
Finding Joy in the Birth of the Savior (Luke 2:1-21) Michael KovalDecember 19, 2021Jeff Lewis, jefflewis, Christmas2021Comment
God’s Message to Mary (Luke 1:26-38) Michael KovalNovember 28, 2021Jeff Lewis, jefflewis, Christmas2021Comment
Christ’s Response to their Rage (John 10:30-42) Michael KovalOctober 10, 2021Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
The Man Born Blind (John 9:1-16) Michael KovalSeptember 5, 2021Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
How Long, O LORD? (Psalm 13) Michael KovalAugust 8, 2021Summerofpsalms2021, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
A Prayer of David (Psalm 86) Michael KovalJuly 4, 2021Jeff Lewis, jefflewis, Summerofpsalms2021Comment
Slander, Certainty, and Superiority (John 8:48-53) Michael KovalJune 20, 2021Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
Don’t Die in Your Sins (John 8:21-30) Michael KovalMay 30, 2021Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
Confusion about Christ (John 7:25-36) Michael KovalApril 25, 2021Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
Christ’s Resurrection and Our Resurrected Life (Romans 6:1-11) Michael KovalApril 4, 2021Passion Week 2021, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
All the Called are Converted and Kept (John 6:35-48) Michael KovalMarch 7, 2021Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
The Feeding of the Multitude (John 6:1-15) Michael KovalFebruary 14, 2021Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
Water and Worship (John 4:1-26) Michael KovalJanuary 3, 2021Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
God the Son Incarnate: The Deity of Christ - Fully God Michael KovalDecember 13, 2020Christmas2020, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
He Must Increase; I Must Decrease (John 3:22-30) Michael KovalNovember 22, 2020Gospel of John, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment
God’s Blessed Gift of Children (Psalm 127:3-5) Michael KovalAugust 30, 2020Family, Jeff Lewis, jefflewisComment